Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday the 2nd November 2020
This was a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Councillors due to the current restrictions surrounding Covid 19.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr L Ruth, Cllr M Ruth, Cllr Winder, Cllr Hurlow, Cllr Holdship, Cllr Hamer and Cllr Looker.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Council.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.
1. Public Consultation
There were no further comments from members of the public.
2. Apologies of absence.
Cllr Tacon
3. Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
The Chairman regarding his expenses.
4. Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 5th of October 2020 were approved.
Matters arising from the last meeting –
Dog Signs–Cllr Looker updated the Councillors that all the signs had been ordered and once they have arrived, he will need some volunteers to help put them up. Cllr Hurlow and Cllr Winder volunteered to help. But the football pitch needs to be marked clearly so as to conform to Dorset Councils Dog Act Mr Murphy to be asked to do some white lining to enable the act to be enforceable if any cost it will be met by Parish Council. A check needs to be made to see if pitch has been marked.
Chestnut Close letter – The chairman sent a letter to the developer on the 14th of October 2020, the clerk is yet to receive a reply.
Hussey’s Appeal result – There is no further information on this at present. It was also agreed that Cllr Car-Jones would speak on behalf of MPC at the Appeal hearing for the Greenfields Sodom Lane Application.
Cricket, Football, Fest Container contracts – Cllr Looker has completed the contractors and they are currently with a legal representative for checking and then her will forward to the Chairman for his input.
Wilding Project – Cllr Hamer explained that Mr Butress and Mrs Sturgess are in contact and once the area has been identified she will let Cllr Hamer know. Cllr Hurlow updated the Council that the tree in the Cemetery has now been planted and they are awaiting on the plaque.
Councillor Training – Councillors are able to sign up to training on the DAPT website.
To consider planning received, up to the time this Agenda was posted.
There were none to date of the Agenda.
5. Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones reported that his main focus at this present time is the temporary housing in Dorset, some flats have been purchased in the local area for this need. During lockdown all the homeless are being taken into temporary accommodation as before.
Discussion followed regarding the roadworks in Salisbury Street which are being completed by Wessex Water.
6. Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman reported that Marnhull Village Care are again supporting the Village through the lockdown. Contact details on flyers will be distributed to all households in the Village. He reported that to date they had received one request for help.
Men’s Shed – The Chairman opened the meeting up to Mr Finch from the Men’s Shed. He asked Councillors if they had all received his email which the clerk had previously circulated. Mr Finch spoke to councillors regarding why he felt that the correct process had not been followed by the Council. The clerk explained the process that had been taken. The Chairman asked whether the Men’s Shed had approached Mr Crocker as Mr Crocker is expecting Mr Tacon to ring him as he may have a suitable space, Cllr Looker will contact Mr Crocker and discuss this with him further. If this is not successful the clerk noted that the Men’s Shed request can again be on the agenda for Councillors to re discuss.
7. Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for November 2020 for the sum of £4795.98 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
Cllr Looker volunteered to lay the wreath for Remembrance Day.
The clerk explained that the Village Hall committee had requested to use the Parish Councils zoom licence for their meeting. The Chairman explained that this was set up in his details and this would not be possible. The clerk will let the Village Hall committee know this response.
Grant request by the Village Hall – The grant has now been paid to the Village Hall.
To receive Councillors reports:
New Councillor applications– The Chairman noted that we had received two ne applications from Mr Turner and Mrs O’Malley. Mrs O’Malley was the first one to apply Mr Turner was in attendance at this meeting and Mrs O’Malley is going to attend a future one.
St Gregory’s Church wall – This unfortunately has been hit by a vehicle. The clerk has forwarded the quotation to the insurance company of the vehicle and is awaiting a response.
Mrs Leandah Collis – The clerk had written to Mrs Collis as instructed by councillors at the last meeting for further information as to why she is requesting for the Cricket Club to be on the next agenda. The clerk is yet to receive a response. The Chairman is going to make contact with her as he noted she had moved house.
Sackmore Green parking letter –This is now resolved.
Football club use of the toilets Village Hall – the football had requested to use the toilets during their matches and training. The toilets are due to be redecorated along with the changing rooms and they will be ready to be used.
Cllr Looker raised that 16, Plowman close had now been sold and so has new occupants. He requested that the clerk write to the occupants reminding them that they have no access to the recreation ground from the gate by the fest container and to send it recorded delivery.
The concerns regarding the extra parking around Cooks garage. It was also discussed with regards to the problems with clearing the drains as there are cars parked over them. Cllr Hurlow will discuss these concerns with the garage owners.
Cllr Mrs Hamer left the meeting at 8.25pm
Review of Standing Order.
Privacy Policy and communication – This has been circulated to councillor’s and updated by Cllr Holdship and Cllr Cullender. Today’s date as approved and will be reviewed on the same date next year.
Health and Safety – Cllr Hurlow has updated this policy and will circulate to Councillors. Cllr Hurlow will reissue it to all Cllrs
Finance Policy – Cllr Mr Ruth is updated the financial regulations and these will be circulated to Councillors. Cllr Ruth is in the process of upgrading it so it will be available to sign it off at our next meeting.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting
The clerk read out a thank you letter she had received from the Village Hall In relation to the grant from the Parish Council.
Complaint Procedure – Cllr Winder is going to update this Clerk to send a copy.
Appraisal Procedure – Outstanding
Code of Conduct – Cllr Cullender is going to update this. Clerk to send a copy.
January Recess. Differed to next meeting
Cllr Ruth also raised the need of a Budget meeting in November the Clerk will suggest a date and send to all Cllrs.
8. Date / Times of next meeting
Budget Meeting Date to be set for November.
The next Virtual Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 7th of December 2020 at 7pm.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.42 pm