People from Marnhull and the surrounding area have been talking about ways of protecting and improving our local environment, partly in response to Dorset Council’s declaration of a climate and ecological emergency.
Our group now has a name – Marnhull Green TEAMS – and we are particularly grateful to the children of St Mary’s School Eco Club for the ‘TEAMS’ part. As well as being an acronym for ‘Taking the Environment Around Marnhull Seriously’, it describes the way we’ve begun working – in small teams, each with an interest in a particular green project.
The latest Marnhull wide event is our Great Marnhull Giveaway Takeaway. Contact John Dowsett for more information.
We are working on other projects too. We have produced a local guide to Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling – click the image to take a look at the reduce/reuse/recycle opportunities around Marnhull.
Check on what you can and cannot recycle at the Hub:
✔ Yes, please
✘ No, thank you
We are supporting an initiative to develop community allotments. Contact us if you’d like to know more about either.
We also support the Dorset Green Living Project, set up by Sustainable Dorset with funding from the Community National Lottery Fund. This exciting sustainability and community green living project offers local people the tools and information they need to lower their carbon footprint and reduce their impact on the planet. The aim is for groups in any part of Dorset to take collective practical steps towards lower carbon living. Everybody taking part is provided with a free guidebook packed full of proven solutions for a greener lifestyle. For more information please contact Rachel, the project coordinator, at [email protected].
And for more information on Marnhull Green TEAMS’ own projects, keep an eye on this webpage or visit our Facebook page; or email [email protected].