Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday the 7th December 2020
This was a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Councillors due to the current restrictions surrounding Covid 19.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman, Cllr L Ruth, Cllr Winder, Cllr Hurlow, Cllr Holdship.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk.
There was one member of the public present.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Council.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.
1. Public Consultation
There were no further comments from members of the public.
2. Apologies of absence.
Cllr Hamer, Cllr Looker.
The Chairman explained that Cllr Mr Ruth had tendered his resignation, he will send Cllr Mr Ruth a certificate of appreciation for all his work on the Parish Council.
3. Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
The Chairman regarding his expenses.
4. Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 2nd of November 2020 were approved.
Matters arising from the last meeting –
Dog Signs–The clerk noted that she had ordered three signs from Dorset Council to adhere to the regulations. The Chairman updated the Council that the dog signs have now been delivered, we will await an update from Cllr Looker.
The Chairman noted that along Burton street between the Blackmore Vale and the Post Office there had been an issue with dog fouling.
The clerk noted that the dog warden had been to the Recreation Ground and will continue to do so in her patrols.
Chestnut Close letter – The clerk or the Chairman has not received any communication from the developers at Chestnut close, despite two letters and an email. The Chairman noted he understood this may be to do with another project they have coming up in the Village. The Chairman will telephone the office and see if he gets a response.
Hussey’s Appeal result – The planning application has been refused at appeal.
Cricket, Football, Fest Container contracts – Cllr Looker will update at the next meeting.
Wilding Project – No further information at this stage.
Councillor Training – Councillors are able to sign up to training on the DAPTC website, the Chairman asked if any Councillors have booked onto any training. Councillors have not as yet. The Chairman noted that DAPTC would like a representative from the Parish Council, there were no volunteers at this stage.
To consider planning received, up to the time this Agenda was posted.
P/HOU/2020/00048: Walnut Tree Cottage Church Hill – Erection of single & two storey extensions, garage and games room. Formation of new vehicular access and drive (demolition of existing garage)
Resolved: No Objection.
2/2020/1285/FUL: Wisteria House, New Street – Erection of 2no. dwellings
Mr Fancourt was given the opportunity to speak of his concerns in connection with this application.
Resolved: Objection.
Point of concern – The ownership of the land needs to be established.
Outside of the settlement boundary.
Increased traffic onto New Street/narrow entrance and exit.
Adverse effect on shadowing on neighbours and their amenities.
Overdevelopment of the site.
Effect of the development on the neighbourhood.
2/2020/1342/HOUSE: Wren Cottage Crown Road – Erection of a home office
Resolved: No Objection.
There was some discussion surrounding recent planning applications that the Parish Council had objected to had been passed by Dorset Council. Cllr Carr-Jones gave an update that the likely case would have been that Dorset Council did not feel that the Parishes objections would have been seen as sufficient for refusal.
5. Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones noted that the Local Plan is very prominent in council business at this present time. He suggested that the Council put together a comment regarding the future developments for Marnhull and submit to Dorset Council. Cllr Carr-Jones noted that the problems with the planning portal should now have been rectified. Cllr Cullender asked if when the Local Plan had been produced whether there would be a meeting for Parish Councils to be able to attend and see the plans and have the opportunity to comment, Cllr Carr-Jones stressed the importance of the Parish Council being involved at this stage. The Chairman noted that it also highlights why it is important to have a representative from the Parish Council on the DAPTC committee.
Cllr Carr-Jones has now also included Cllr Cullender in any planning communication so he has sight of any plans that are coming through.
6. Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman reported that Cllr Winder completed a survey with a member of the Village who had asked for support from the Parish Council. He kindly wrote up a report based upon their findings and sent a copy to the Parish Council and Dorset Council so they could hopefully schedule remedial work where required. It will be a real advantage for Dorset Council knowing the location of the problematic drains.
The Chairman noted that there was a large amount of eggs found in a field around Love Lane, the Chairman informed Mr Crocker and it has been cleared. This was due to an accident with a pallet full of eggs.
7. Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for December 2020 for the sum of £1660.79 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
The budget for 2021/2022 was agreed, this proposed by the Chairman, and seconded by Cllr Tacon all were in favour.
Cllr Carr-Jones commented on Dorset Council’s budget and explained that if they don’t take the permitted increase then it is difficult to increase the funding in the future during the year.
To receive Councillors reports:
Men’s Shed – The Chairman noted the email he had received from Mr Finch regarding an alteration to the minutes he had requested. The Chairman explained the process of the minutes and that they do not have to be detailed word for word as long as the business of the meeting is conducted by the rules.
Cllr Holdship noted that he has met with Mr Crocker twice now, he has requested that Cllr Holdship get back in touch with him for a site visit of the proposed site. The Clerk will reply to Mr Finch’s email.
Mrs Leandah Collis – The Chairman has manged to get hold of Mr Collis, and she had other comments to make re some problems she is having with her new property. She would still like to put forward her views regarding the Recreation Ground and she will email to the clerk, this will be taken off the agenda until she contacts us further.
Ham Lane Contractors –The Clerk received a response from Mr Snook and this has been circulated to all Councillors. The Chairman noted that both houses have now been sold. The Chairman will keep the Council informed of the position.
Plowman Close – There are new owners in no 16 Plowman close and they have had a letter sent to them regarding no right of access to the Recreation Ground.
Cooks Garage – Cllr Hurlow has been to see the garage owner and has circulated his comments to Councillors. He expressed that at the present time there is nothing more that can be done, this will be monitored moving forward.
White Lines on the Football pitch – These have now been completed by the Football Club who will keep on top of this.
Leaves in the Cemetery – The clerk noted that these had been cleared recently.
Pothole in Recreation Drive – The clerk to contact Kingsmere surfacing to enquire whether they can and fill in the recent pot hole.
Interment of ashes in St Gregory’s Churchyard – Mr Holden previously agreed by email. The Chairman will contact Mr Holden to get him to forward the documentation to the clerk for signing of permission.
Damage of gravestone and vase in Church yard – The Chairman noted that there is a villager who has volunteered to pay for the replacement vase. The Chairman will write to Mrs Coffin and inform her of this. The Chairman explained that the Parish Council are not responsible for the headstones in the Cemetery or the Church Yard Cemetery.
Recreation Ground Hedges – The Chairman and the clerk had received an email of complaint regarding how the hedges had been cut and some damage to the Beech tree. Cllr Mrs Ruth has looked at the tree in question and there are a couple of branches that had been removed from the tree but it is damage that will grow back and in future we will request that the hedges are not cut back quite so far next time.
Mrs Gall – Village Development – The Chairman noted that he had received an email regarding a development that has been rumoured to be in the back field behind the Doctors surgery. The Chairman has contacted Mrs Gall and noted that the Parish Council have no information on this and if any is received it will be dealt with in the normal way within the Parish Council’s planning.
January Recess – The January meeting will be held on January 11th 2021 will central items only to a maximum of an hour.
Publication of the minutes – The clerk updated the Council on information she had received from Cllr Looker and that he has requested that the minutes be published on the website sooner following a complaint from a member of the Village. The clerk will endeavour to complete the minutes sooner to enable earlier publication of the draft minutes on the website.
Village Hall/Recreation Ground carpark – Cllr Mrs Ruth had previously circulated information with regard to the placing of the curb stones between the hall and patio. This was agreed and will be fed back to the Village Hall committee.
Review of Standing Order – update – This will be dealt with by email.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting
Church Wall – Confirmation has now been received from the insurers regarding the work on the wall. Mr Jones the stone mason will complete the work when he can as this is weather depending. The Chairman confirmed that the payment will be sorted out between Mr Jones and the insurance company.
Email – Mr Thompson noise complaints – The Chairman gave a brief update regarding Henstridge airfield. The clerk will reply to Mr Thompson.
Prospective New Councillors.
The clerk forwarded the agenda to the two new prospective Councillors, she had not heard back from Mr Turner, Mrs O’Malley was unable to attend and the clerk will request she attends in January.
8. Date / Times of next meeting
The next Virtual Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 11th of January 2021 at 7pm and will be limited to central items to only to a maximum of an hour.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05 pm