Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday the 2nd September the Village Hall, Marnhull.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman, Cllr Kerr, Cllr Cullender, Cllr Wiles, Cllr Holdship and Cllr Looker
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk,
Dorset County Cllr G Carr-Jones.
8 members of the public.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.
1. Public Consultation
Mrs Shirley Blackford spoke regarding footpath 111. The Chairman noted that the latest update as of 2nd if September was that Mr G Stanley will be meeting with Mr Prosser and then we will receive a further update.
Further discussion followed including a statement from the land owner who said she had no objection to the footpath being reinstated. This item will be on the next agenda.
The continuation of food path 111 onto Ham lane was also discussed. The rangers have been out and cut the hedge but not the footpath. In the process of harvesting the field the land owners or their agents have damaged the kissing gate and the post. The lady concerned was asked to contact Mr Graham Stanley regarding this.
Mrs Sturgess spoke regarding her footpath where the council has been out today and cut the grass. This is on her property and she is very concerned why they came onto her property. Mrs Sturgess will contact Mr Graham Stanley with her concerns and copy in Cllr Carr-Jones.
2. Apologies of absence.
Cllr Mrs Hamer, Cllr Mr Ruth and Cllr Mrs Ruth.
3. Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
There were none.
4. Co-option of New Councillor.
This was deferred to the next meeting.
5. Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 5th of August were agreed and signed.
Matters arising from the last meeting –
1.Grass Cutting – response from the Cricket Club has been circulated to all Councillors. The Chairman proposed that we stop paying all the grass cutting as of October. Cllr Locker suggested that getting all the current people who cut the grass in one meeting to work out who is doing what. Discussion followed; this will be on the next agenda when Cllr Hamer is present to provide further information and clarification. Clerk to email Cllr Hamer to circulate the information in advance of this meeting.
2. Allotment contract – The Chairman has circulated the information from Fowler and Fortescue. The Chairman suggested that the clerk acknowledge that we have received their correspondence and we will have it on the next Budget Meeting agenda.
3. Technical Support for the clerk’s computer – The clerk noted that all the information for Prodigy IT solutions is on their website. This will be considered at, at the budget meeting agenda. The Clerk will contact Stalbridge Town Clerk re. Gov email address
4. Moorside Lane update – The Chairman asked Cllr Carr-Jones regarding a meeting that had been held there. There is concern over the state of the lane and the Chairman will continue trying to contact the Highways Officer concerned. Cllr Carr-Jones suggested contacting Mr Skeats.
Planning Meeting
A. 2/2019/0904/REM – and 2/2018/1406/OUT -Erect 2 dwellings Vale Cottage
Resolved: Objection – The proposal is an overdevelopment and plot 1 is overbearing with possible loss of light for the neighbouring property, and the loss of visual amenity.
The Parish Council request that this is heard by the Development control committee.
B. 2/2019/0830/FUL – Ashley Farm – Change of use of an existing workshop/garage into office and storage are and an existing office into a workshop garage.
Resolved: No Objection.
C. 2/2019/1035/VARIA 1 Philips Hill – Erect 3 No. dwellings, 1 No. double garage and form 4 No. parking spaces. (Variation of condition No. 2 from planning permission 2/2017/0554/FUL to allow for an addition of roller door to change car port to garage).
Resolved: No Objection.
D. 2/2019/0966/FUL – Hayes Farm – Change of use to part of paddock, install swimming pool and pump room (retrospective).
Resolved: No Objection.
E. 2/2019/0972/House – Little Stakes, Ham Lane – Erect a the east of the site.
Resolved: No Objection.
6. Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Cullender reported that there will be a meeting on the 3rd of September and they will report back at the next parish council meeting. The clerk to send the planning sub committee the information she gets regarding the planning as soon as she gets them.
7. Burton Street Development- Cllr Tacon noted that residents group are requesting the Council through a resolution show their support for the approach to The Dorset Planning and Highways departments. The following resolution was agreed that Marnhull Parish Council supports the Marnhull Residents in their approach to Dorset Council highways and Planning Authorities to seek a reassessment of the safety issues relating to the planning approval for access to the proposed Burton Street development ref 2/2018/1808/OUT(Burton Street Marnhull) After discussion it was decided to include the provision of speeding alternatives. There is a meeting on Friday 6th of September between the residents and Dorset Council to discuss this further. Cllr M Ruth and Cllr R Tacon will be in attendance as will Cllr G Carr-Jones. The Parish Council will be updated at the next meeting. This will be on the next agenda – Clerk.
8. Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones said that he had forwarded the news bulletin and the clerk has forwarded to the Councillors. He also said he had been involved in meetings about the Corporate Plan for Dorset which indicated that interesting times were ahead.
The Chairman noted that he has received an invitation to go to a conference on the way forward for Town and Parish Councils in Leicester.
9. Chairman’s report
New Comers party will be on the 4th of October and could someone produce 100 A5 sized leaflets containing info and dates of meetings for the Parish Council to be included in the New Comers Packs Cllr Looker will deal.
The Chairman has received an invitation to St Gregory’s Church in September to the Licensing Service of Rev Gaenor Hockey, where he will say a few words.
He also raised the Gardening Clubs email in connection with the bulb planting in the Recreation Ground that had been sent to all Councillors
10. Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for September 2019 for the sum of £1872.50 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
The profit and loss account up to 30th June 19 had been circulated by the clerk.
Cllr Tacon and Cllr Holdship will become members of the finance subcommittee chaired by Cllr M Ruth.
The Clerk will send Cllr Ruth’s report to all.
11. To receive Councillors reports:
Play area – The Chairman noted that he had been asked for a copy of the wiring in the electrical box. Cllr Kerr explained how the lines works and explained that this is a very simple system. Cllr Kerr noted that the electrical box has been damaged and a door will be required. The Chairman will ask Mr Cudlip if he is willing to put a new door on there.
The Men’s Shed have started cutting the wood for the seat.
IT Officer – Cllr Holdship noted that there are 21 subscriptions now for the newsletter. He feels that some more exposure would be beneficial, he explained Information needs to be put out through it to make it interesting to its subscribers. Clerk to send the accounts to Cllr Holdship for inclusion on the website.
Highways – Cllr Cullender noted that the speed watch figures had been circulated. Cllr Cullender will send it to Cllr Holdship for the website, there has been no speed watch this month but he hopes to get one going for mid-September.
The Chairman noted he had received an email from Mr Nagle re speeding traffic in Salisbury Street which he had circulated. After discussion it was resolved that it would be replied to by an article in the next issue of the Messenger.
Village Hall – No report.
12. To consider any matters arising from recent correspondence-
Affordable housing in Sturminster Newton – meeting on the 3rd of September.
Emergency temporary closure of the footpath of the barn that burnt down.
Correspondence around Farms being sold near Manston and concern over what may happen to them.
Monthly bulletin has been forwarded to all.
Cllr Looker has had two residents approach him about the parking spaces that have been added to Chestnut close and the concern that their visibility will be reduced. Councillors felt this was a matter for DCC Enforcement Officer.
Mr Barrie Jenks – email – Mr Jenks had previously emailed the parish council to request permission to allow the work men to access his hedge from the recreation drive to complete some work. They will use all the necessary safety fencing while completing the work which should only take a couple of day. This was agreed by all Councillors.
The clerk noted that she had received correspondence from Mr Marks concerning the gate they installed in their fence leading onto the recreation ground and the concerns with the fest fencing. After discussion it was proposed that the clerk prepare a letter addressed to Mr Marks which should be reviewed by a solicitor being sent. The clerk will forward the letter to Cllr Looker who will ensure it meets legal requirements.
13. Correspondence and items of the next meeting
14. Date / Times of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on the 7th October 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.02pm