Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday the 3rd February the Village Hall, Marnhull.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman Cllr Cullender, Cllr Holdship, Cllr Mrs Ruth, Cllr M Ruth, and Cllr Looker.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk,
15 members of the public.

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.

Public Consultation
Mrs Blackford spoke regarding footpath 111 and asked if there was an update on the situation. The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting with Dorset Council and the land owner and all were in agreement of the position of the footpath. Unfortunately, since then there has been an objection raised and so Dorset County are looking into this and will let the Parish Council know when it has been resolved.

Some residents of the Village attended the meeting with concerns over speeding in Salisbury Street and Crown Road. They requested that a SID is used on these roads.
Cllr Cullender explained the process of the SID’s and that 4years worth of traffic monitoring is a requirement and the cost is over £3000. A survey has to also be completed and 15% of the traffic must be going over the speed limit for Dorset Council to consider installing a SID.
The residents explained that they would be happy to complete some fundraising for this project.
Cllr Cullender also explained that the speed watch is up and running and they will try and find a suitable site near these locations.

Mr Eveleigh spoke regarding Chestnut Close and that despite his emails to Dorset Council he has heard nothing back regarding the bank outside the development onto Burton Street.

The Chairman reported that the clerk had also made enquires regarding the section 38 and is yet to receive a reply.

Closed Session

Apologies of absence.
Cllr Hamer, Cllr Collis.
Cllr T Wiles has resigned with immediate effect. The Chairman will send him a letter of thanks for his time on the Council.

Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
Cllr Holdship and Cllr Tacon regarding a payment on the payment schedule for the Men’s Shed.

Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 2nd of December 2020 were agreed and signed.
Matters arising from the last meeting –

A A frame in Moorside – Dorset council planning have been out to look at the development and all is within required development.
B. Bench in the Recreation Ground – The work is all completed.
C Footpath 111 – Covered in the public consultation and will be carried over.
D. Sec 38 compliance – Still waiting on an answer and will be carried over.

Planning Meeting
Kentisford House New Street Marnhull Dorset DT10 1PX
Strengthen floor to the master bedroom utilising (RSA) to enable retention of historic timber. Carry out all internal alterations in association to this.
Resolved: No Objection.
Vale Cottage Ham Lane Marnhull DT10 1JN
Discharge of condition Nos. 2 – Materials 3 – Obscure Glazing, 4 – Vents, Flues and External Services and 5 – Boundary Treatment from planning permission 2/2019/0904/REM).
Resolved: No Objection.
Threshing Barn, Chantry Farm, New Street to Common Lane – Lane, Marnhull, Dorset.
Convert former threshing barn to 1 No. dwelling, repair and convert barn to form garage/store, improve existing access, retain 4 No. parking spaces and carry out all internal/external alterations and associated works in connection to this. (Variation of Condition No. 2 of Planning Permission No. 2/2017/1927/LBC to substitute the approved plans with amended plans to install replacement oak truss as existing truss beyond repair).
Resolved: No Objection.

Cricket Cub shed – This item was moved due to Mr Chambers needing to leave the meeting early.
Mr Chambers asked if the Council would consider his previous request to a shipping container next to the Fest container for storage of the cricket club equipment. After discussion he was asked to email the clerk the plans so the councillors could have a look in more detail and decide from there.

Neighbourhood plan- Cllr Cullender gave an update on the progress since December. The neighbourhood plan designated area has been approved and this is a move forward in creating the plan. The next step is to apply for a grant and the plan from the committee is to sort out a budget that they may need. Cllr Cullender is liaising with the neighbourhood plan committee.

Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones reported that one of the main focuses of the Council has been the budget. The increase in Council tax will mean an extra 9 million into the Councils budget. The main areas of focus for this money will be adults and children’s social care. He also noted that the empty second home tax will be increased. He asked if the Clerk had received an invitation to attend a meeting on Dorset County Councils Local Housing Plan in March, she had not but would make enquiries.

Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman reported that the defibrillator at the Crown is now all installed and he expressed thanks to Cllr Hamer for all her work in making this happen and thanks to Ben Hannam the electrician who completed the work for half price due to it being a community project. The clerk to send him a letter of thanks on behalf of the Council.
The defibrillator training date of Thursday March 26ththat 18.00 at The Blackmore Vale was noted, and the meeting informed.
The Chairman noted that the clerk would receive a donation for the Air ambulance from another organisation in the Village to forward to the Air Ambulance. It was questioned as to why the organisation don’t send the donation directly to the Air Ambulance and the Chairman said he would suggest this to them.

The request for a donation towards the Village from the developers of Chestnut Close was to be on hold until more properties have sold in the close.

Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for January and February 2020 for the sum of £3849.21 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
The profit and loss had previously been circulated.
The payment of the grants was discussed, and the Chairman will forward the application forms to the website and get a copy in the next Marnhull Messenger so organisations can apply for the grants we have in this year’s budget.
This is the last payment to Chris Woods and the clerk has cancelled the standing order.

To receive Councillors reports:
Drive way Recreation Ground – The Chairman reported that Dorset Council had given £50 towards the restoration of the verges that were damaged on polling day.
Further discussion followed surrounding how to manage this situation and stop it occurring again. The Chairman suggested that having a layby out in the verge may help. It was also suggested that some large stones down the edge of the verge would stop people driving on it. The clerk will get two quotes one for the layby and one for some large stones. It was also noted that the gully on the right regularly needs attention as when blocked causes flooding to 12 and 14 Plowman Close.
Contract for Recreation Ground maintenance – The clerk has completed a draft contract and will be passed to Cllr Hamer for her comment and return for full Council approval.
Co-opted members – The Chairman reported that there were two new potential members and their contact details will be passed to the clerk for information and forms to be sent to them. Mr Hurlow will be attending the March’s meeting and will be considered for co-option onto the Council and Mr Winder will be attending April’s.
Mr Jenks 16 Plowman Close –Mr Jenks addressed the council regarding the email that he had been sent about his fence boarding he Recreation Ground. Maps and his response had already been circulated to the Council. He explained how the fence line had been used and he historical documentation to support this. Further discussion followed regarding the access onto the Recreation Ground from 17 Plowman Close. It was decided that a letter will be sent to Mr and Mrs Marks explaining that they have temporary access onto the Recreation Ground but there is no permitted access and the property is not to be sold access, the gate is to be removed.
Shipping container Fest committee – The council would like a further copy of the plans previously circulated to them and approved. The clerk will chase this up with the Chair of the Fest committee.
It was discussed that the request to ask the Fest to remove the second gate on the fencing was not appropriate and Cllr Looker explained that he would remove the gate.
Village Hall proposals – These were discussed, and Cllr Mrs Ruth reported that the meeting would be taking place on Saturday for Villagers to have their chance to come and vote regarding the stage.
Car Park fence damage – This has been agreed and will be fixed at the same time as the property fence that was also damaged.
Garden Cemetery – the Chairman reported a situation regarding the cemetery that had occurred. It was discussed regarding having some marker for the clerk to be able to use to mark plots What three words App may be suitable.
Allotments – Invoices for payments for 2020 will be sent out in March in accordance with the financial year. The rent payment is due on the 1st of April 2020. It was also noted that a request had been received for a community allotment the Clerk will contact the applicant with details.
Training – Training for councillors was discussed. The clerk noted that Councillors could go on the DAPTC website and look up the courses running. The Chairman requested that a price be sort for training to be held in the Village Hall rather than Councillors having to attend outside training and other local Councils could be invited. The clerk will contact DAPTC.
Eco – A new informal village group has been set up and information has previously been circulated to the councillors. They are looking for support from the Parish council. The Parish Council fully support the initiative but are unable to support then financially in this financial year as this has not been budgeted for but the organisation is able to apply for the Parish council grants.
Burton Street Telephone Box – Cllr Mrs Ruth gave an update on the necessary repairs. She explained about the different costs and the methods to complete the repairs. The cost of repairing the door is around £300 plus vat, Cllr Mrs Ruth will consult with Mrs Pentland regarding removing the door.
To consider any matters arising from recent correspondence-
Correspondence from Mrs Loukes regarding the bin on Sackmore Lane. Cllr Holdship spoke regarding correspondence he had received regarding the broken bin. After discussion it was decided that the bin should be removed, and costing will be sought for a dog bin to be put in its place and the emptying could be added to IK Services contract.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting
Email regarding horse warning signs in the Village.

Date / Times of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 2nd of March 2020 at 7pm in the Village Hall

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05 pm