Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday the 2nd March the Village Hall, Marnhull.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr Holdship, Cllr Collis, Cllr Hamer and Cllr Looker.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk,
10 members of the public.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.
Public Consultation
Mrs Blackford spoke regarding PVC windows being installed in Ryall’s Cottage in Burton Street. She has concerned over this and the Chairman noted that this had been reported to Dorset County enforcement officer.
Mr Eveleigh spoke regarding the failure to protect the conservation area in Burton Street surrounding the new development. Mr Eveleigh has still not received a reply from Dorset County surrounding his communications with them in connection with the gap in the bank in Burton Street.
Cllr Holdship noted that as Mr Eveleigh has gone through all due process this should be raised to the Ombudsman. Mr Eveleigh replied that the only way this to happen was for the individual to have suffered damage and so he didn’t believe that this was an option he could use.
Mrs Pratt spoke regarding the level of water she has coming into her garden after the completion of Cheshunt Close. She explained that due to no hedging being planted that was on the plans the water is running from the close onto her garden. The Chairman explained that he would contact Cllr Carr-Jones with these concerns.
Closed Session
Co-Option of new Councillor – Mr Winder.
Mr Winder was successfully co-opted onto the council after answering all the relevant questions.
Apologies of absence.
Cllr Mrs Ruth and Cllr Ruth.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Council.
Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
Cllr Holdship Cllr Tacon, Cllr Looker regarding a payment on the payment schedule for the Men’s Shed.
Cllr Holdship regarding personal expenses on the payment schedule.
Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 3rd February 2020 were agreed and signed.
Matters arising from the last meeting –
A Footpath 111 – The Chairman read out an email from Cllr Carr-Jones regarding this. The Chairman noted that he was having a meeting next week surrounding this and so is hoping to have an answer for the next meeting.
B. Sec 38 compliance – No response as yet.
Planning Meeting
2/2020/0042/REM Erect 9 No. dwellings with associated parking and garages. Form vehicular access. (Reserved matters application to determine appearance, landscaping, layout and scale; following grant of Outline Planning Permission No 2/2018/1436). Location: Land North Of, Kentisworth Road, Marnhull.
Resolved: No Objection – request through the developers for a donation towards Village amenities. The projects we have are SID’s, defibrillator’s, community infrastructure, play area repairs, neighbourhood plan. After discussion it was asked that the clerk ask through the developer for a donation of £10000 towards the above projects to which these houses are going to add to the pressure, and the occupants will enjoy these village amenities.
2/2020/0097/DOC – Kentsford House New Street Marnhull DT10 1PX
Discharge of condition Nos 3 – Windows; 4 – Render method statement; and 13 – Infill materials; from listed building consent 2/2019/0866/LBC
Resolved: No Objection.
2/2020/0192/DOC – Kings Mill Cox Hill Marnhull Dorset
Discharge of Condition Nos. 3 – Window Details; 4 – Paint; 5 – Window/door furniture of Listed Building Consent no. 2/2018/1585/LBC
Resolved: No Objection.
The Chairman spoke regarding Crown Road and the 72 dwellings and that the Parish councils comment needs to be added onto the Dorset council website as this doesn’t appear to be there at the present time, the clerk will look into this.
Cricket Cub plans – Mr Hamer spoke regarding the Tennis Club’s view regarding the proposed container. The Tennis club have so far cleared and re seeded behind the tennis court, they have concerns that the proposal is very close to the tennis court. The tennis club have asked the Parish council to consider some additional areas for the container. They asked if the Parish council would work with the Cricket Club and the Tennis Club to find a suitable solution to this.
It was proposed by the Cllr Hamer that the response given to the Cricket Club is that the Parish council are concerned about an application for a further container and request that the CC contact the fest committee and seek room in their container or look towards an alternative site for their container and bring it back to the Parish council but the Parish Council would prefer no more containers on the Recreation Ground, this was seconded by Cllr Collis, all were in favour.
Neighbourhood plan – Cllr Cullender reported that there is a meeting planned for the 12th of March with Jo Witherden to provide some guidance on applying for the locality grant. Cllr Cullender will report back at the next meeting.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – No report.
Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman noted that the Burton street car park fence has been completely repaired.
Mr Treby died after Christmas and his funeral was a couple of weeks ago and the Chairman attended it.
Clerk to update the contact list and circulate following April Meeting
Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for March 2020 for the sum of £21,588.91 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
To receive Councillors reports:
Drive way Recreation Ground – This was discussed further Sally has spoken to Kingsmere Surfacing about the layby and they will send an official quote. Cllr Looker noted that the large stones will cost around £6000 to have along the layby. Another option Cllr Looker gave was rather than having a tarmac layby we could have grass mats and gravel. A cost will be sought for some posts and signs for the verge. A letter to be sent to the Village Hall to ask them to speak to the clubs and organisations that use the hall to stop them parking on the grass.
Mr Jenks 16 Plowman Close – A letter to Mr Jenks has been sent.
Shipping container Fest committee – The plan was given to Cllr Looker to send round to the Council. As it stands the Fest committee do not have legal right over the land that the container is on, it will be an agenda item at the April meeting Cllr Looker will draw up an agreement document. However, they have been granted a non-exclusive formal permission for the container to be on the Rec this was proposed by Cllr Holdship and seconded by Cllr Looker and all in favour.
Defibrillator training – This is on the 26th of March at the Blackmore Vale Inn. A letter of thanks to be sent to The Crown Inn for all their donations to the defibrillator. Action Clerk
Training of Councillors – Add this to the next agenda.
Allotments – The Chairman noted that the rent to Mr Crocker for the allotments is due on the first of April and the plots will be numbered
Bin in Sackmore Lane – Defer to the next meeting. The clerk to order the new bin proposed by Cllr Looker seconded by Cllr Collis.
Eco – The draft constitution had been circulated to the Councillors. They would like to apply for a grant from the Parish council and this will be on April’s agenda.
Burton Street Telephone Box – information already circulated by Cllr Mrs Ruth and will be on the next agenda.
Donation from Chestnut Close – There are still only two properties awaiting completion.
Horse Signs – Cllr Cullender noted that Rosie Gall has contacted the Parish Council to ask for some horse signs surrounding the Village. Cllr Cullender will meet with Roger Bell and Mrs Gall regarding where signs may be able to be erected.
Parish Council grants – It was proposed by the Chairman that this year’s funding be held over Cllr Tacon proposed that the form will be put on the website after approval by email, Cllr Cullender seconded all in favour.
Drainage behind Cooks garage and the development alongside the Recreation Ground – The holding pond in the field needs to be cleared out and Mr Crocker to be contacted to get the pond cleared.
Mrs Fraser The Priory re footpath 105 -The chairman informed Council of a dispute between her and another Villager over where a kissing gate should be placed. Dorset county attended and determined where the kissing gate should be placed. Mrs Fraser is not happy with the position and there is to be a further meeting on Wednesday to try and resolve the issue.
New Rec Maintenance Contract – The Chairman passed a vote of thanks to Cllr Hamer for all her work. The Chairman had also circulated another document. The clerk to add in the alteration regarding the contract and then it will be signed by both parties.
Mr Buttress has looked at the muck heap behind the cemetery. There is a large area of mess which needs to be removed and levelled and the quote is £600. Cllr Looker proposed that the work is completed this was seconded by Cllr Tacon.
Parish council website and SID’s go to next meeting.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting
Date / Times of next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 6th April 2020 at 7pm in the Village Hall
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05 pm