The following Councillors are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council which will take place on Monday the 2nd August 2021 at 7pm.
Cllr Trevor Vaughan-Chairman, Cllr R Tacon-Vice Chairman, Cllr R Cullender, Cllr L Hamer, Cllr R Hurlow, Cllr S Winder, Cllr C Looker, Cllr S Holdship, Cllr L Ruth , Cllr M Turner and Cllr O’Malley.
All members of the Council are requested to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder and are reminded that the council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime and Disorder, Health and Safety and Human Rights.
To receive any apologies of absence.
Election of Vice Chairman – signing of Declaration of Office.
To confirm any changes to the adopted policies and procedures for 2021.
Closure of AGM.
Public Questions
The public are asked to submit any questions they would like raised at the meeting to the Parish Clerk by email [email protected].
To note any declarations of interest and requests for dispensation.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd May 2021 and receive update on matters arising.
- Recreation Ground Children’s Play Area Equipment update and IVER HOUSE
- Recreation Ground Car Park White Lines
- Recreation Ground Memorial Benches
- Finger Post Sign Salisbury Street
- Reclaim VAT
- Marnhull Street Safety Project Traffic Survey-SIDS
- Ham Meadow Bridle Way
- Horse Signs
- Marnhull Green Teams
- Planning Applications.
- Neighbourhood Plan
- DAPTC New Register of Interest (ROI) digital submission (launching in July 2021), Code of Conduct and New Complaints Process
- Finance’s update
- Councillor Training
- Woodland Trust Tree Planting
- Adoption of new Code of Conduct and Complaint’s procedure
- Hains Lane resurfacing
- Mrs Cornford’s Email on Buss Services in Marnhull
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21
- Weeds on pavement Burton Street Norvo Faro
- Pay for first meal Lunch Club
- Speed watch meeting 28th September with David Sidwick
- To consider planning received, up to the time this Agenda was posted.
P/HOU/2021/01468: Flagstones Nash Lane – Form 1st floor to existing bungalow and erect and two single storey extensions. Demolish the existing garage and erect open cart port with room aboveP/HOU/2021/01631: 15 Church Cottages Schoolhouse Lane – Convert garage into a studio and store
P/OUT/2021/01737: LAND AT E 377395 N 118565 KENTISWORTH ROAD – Develop the land by the erection of 4 no. detached dwellings with associated footpath, access, car parking and landscaping. (Outline application to determine access)
- To receive Dorset Council’s report.
Cllr Graham Carr-Jones update
- To receive Chairman’s report.
- Accounts:
- To resolve to pay bills listed on the payment schedule.
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21.
- Electronic Banking.
- To receive the following officer’s report.
- Recreation Ground grass cutting – Cllr Hamer.
- Cricket Club Agreement – Cllr Looker.
- Football Club Agreement – Cllr Looker.
- Fest Agreement – Cllr Looker.
- Garden Cemetery.
- Plant a tree for the Jubilee – Woodland Trust.
- Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
- To consider any other matters arising from recent correspondence.
Email re St Gregorys School parking on the last day of term.
- Receive any matters of interest and agree items for the next agenda.
Clerk to the Parish Council
Mrs Sally Upshall