Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday the 7th of September 2020
This was a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Councillors due to the current restrictions surrounding Covid 19.
Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr L Ruth, Cllr M Ruth, Cllr Winder, Cllr Hurlow and Cllr Looker.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.
The Chairman read out a statement on councillors conduct and responsibilities and the role of the clerk.
This will be forwarded by email to all after the meeting.
Due to members of the public in attendance for planning the Chairman moved planning to this part of the agenda.
2/2020/1197/AGDWPA: Change of use and conversion of 1 No. agricultural barn to 1 No. dwelling. Moor Court Farm Moorside
Resolved: The application form references a covering letter which has not been uploaded. As the letter purports to provide essential information, we would need to review it along with the other information provided in order to come to a reasoned decision.
2/2020/1069/HOUSE: Erection of single storey detached timber garage. Lovells Mill Burton Street
Resolved: No Objection
The proposed garage is approx. 12.8 ft (3.8m) to the ridgeline and is 3m from the boundary. Construction is conventional.
2/2020/0984/FUL: Change of use of agricultural land and orchard to residential use. Little Hains Hains Lane
Resolved: Objection – Unacceptable use and adverse impact on nature conservation
2/2020/0954/FUL: Change of use of agricultural land and erect triple car port. Ashley Down Farm, Barn at Great Down Lane
Resolved: Objection – Unacceptable use and adverse impact on nature conservation
2/2020/0914/HOUSE: Erect 2.5-meter-high wooden acoustic fencing along the West side boundary of Elsamere. Elsamere Musbury Lane
Resolved: Objection – Loss of outlook and adverse impact on nature conservation.
2/2018/1808/out Develop land north of Burton Street Marnhull by the erection of up to 61 dwellings.
The clerk raised the email she had received regarding the application at Burton street being heard at the planning committee regarding some changes to the application.
Cllr Carr-Jones confirmed that should the parish council wish to raise anything further then he would be able to speak on behalf of the parish council. Councillors to send any comments to Cllr Cullender for submission to Cllr Carr-Jones.
Government White Paper on planning reform – Cllr Cullender reported that the government were asking for feedback on the reform should any Councillors have any comments these can be sent to Cllr Cullender.
Cllr Cullender also drew attention to a Government consultation document on planning Cllr Cullender will put together a summery and would be grateful if Cllrs would forward any comments they have.
Public Consultation
There were no further comments from members of the public.
Apologies of absence.
Cllr Mrs Hamer, Cllr Holdship. The chairman noted that he had received Cllr Collis resignation.
Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
The Chairman regarding his expenses.
Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 3rd of August 2020 were approved.
The Chairman requested that the minutes that had a further comment from himself be forwarded to Councillors, which the clerk will complete.
Matters arising from the last meeting –
Hedge Cutting – Cllr Hamer had informed the council of Mr Stokes sad death. The Clerk will send details to the Chairman who will send an appropriate letter of condolence to his family.
Cllr Hamer will gain a further quotation for the hedge cutting at the Recreation Ground.
Dogs in Recreation Ground – the clerk noted that she had not had an update from the dog warden but will continue to try and get some feedback. The issue of signage was also raised and further investigation of price etc will take place Cllr Looker to deal.
Contracts for the Recreation Ground – Cllr Looker has now got the contractors for the tennis club, football club and tennis club. He will look at these and draft one for the Fest shipping container and send around to Councillors for their comments.
Village Litter Picking Team – The Chairman reported that the team are still continuing they great work. They have all the necessary equipment they need at present.
Car park Rental – The clerk reported that she had spoken to Dorset council regarding this. They stressed that the Council purchased the carpark for the use of the Village and recommended against renting out any spaces. The Chairman will let the gentleman know who made the enquiry.
The issue of the hedges on Crown Road and New Street was raised and found that the Clerk had visited the lady on Crown Road and sent letters to the ones on New Street.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones reported that he had been reappointed to Cabinet. He is continuing his work on housing and emergency
planning and continued to encourage Councillors to report any empty properties in the Village to him. Cllr Carr-Jones noted that the recommendation is that the Council will not undertake any face to face meetings until March 2021.
He noted that the gravel had been cleared by Walton Elm where they had been a complaint by a cyclist. He also updated the Council on the correct position of Covid within the Dorset Area.
Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman had nothing to report.
Mr John Dowsett gave the Council an update on the Village Hall building work
Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for September 2020 for the sum of £1187.08 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
To receive Councillors reports:
Mrs Hershall Spring Cottage– Cllr Winder updated the council on the situation with flooding at Spring Cottage. He confirmed that the owner has been advised of work that needs to be done surrounding the property to help prevent flooding in the future. A letter will be drafted by Cllr Winder and sent to Mrs Hershall by the Parish Council to advise her of their recommendations.
Mr Spiller internment of Ashes in St Gregory’s church yard – The Chairman explained to councillors who were all in agreement that the ashes of Mr Spiller could be interred in the Church Yard cemetery.
A further issue of Mrs Spiller enquiry regarding her fiancés grave in St Gregory’s Churchyard, after enquiries with Mr Butress it was decided that the Chairman would send an appropriate letter explaining that the Parish Council does not have responsibility for the actual grave as that is the responsibility of the family
Empty Houses – covered in Cllr Carr-Jones report.
Cricket Club – Cllr Looker is looking at their contract as part of the Recreation Ground contracts.
A formal agreement re the Shipping container on the recreation ground needs to be agreed.
Review of Standing Orders – Wording has been added to the Garden Cemetery Regulations regarding the councillors being able to decide on any individual basis regarding plot reservations.
Privacy Policy – to be referred to Cllr Holdship for updating on how we store data
Communication Policy – Cllr Cullender will check with Cllr Holdship.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting
Mr Eveleigh Letter re parking on Sackmore Lane causing concern for emergency vehicles Clerk to have a word with Highways Dept.
Chestnut close and the letter to ask for funding for the Village was discussed and it was suggested by Cllr Looker we wait another couple of weeks until some of the sales have been completed.
Date / Times of next meeting
The next Virtual Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 5th of October 2020 at 7pm.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.08 pm