Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday the 5th October 2020
This was a Virtual Meeting of the Parish Councillors due to the current restrictions surrounding Covid 19.

Present: Cllr Vaughan – Chairman, Cllr Tacon – Vice Chairman, Cllr Cullender, Cllr L Ruth, Cllr M Ruth, Cllr Winder, Cllr Hurlow, Cllr Holdship, Cllr Hamer and Cllr Looker.
Attendance: Mrs Sally Upshall – Clerk.
Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Council.
The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notice. The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to record the meeting, there was no requests. The Chairman reported that he will be recording the meeting only for clarification for the minutes, this recording will be deleted after the minutes have been produced.

Public Consultation
There were no further comments from members of the public.

Apologies of absence.
There were none.
Declaration of Interest and Dispensations
The Chairman regarding his expenses.
Cllr Hurlow regarding his expenses.
Approval of the minutes – The minutes of the meeting that was held on the 7th of September 2020 were approved.
Matters arising from the last meeting –

Dogs in the Recreation Ground – The clerk explained that she was having trouble getting hold of the dog warden and so had no further update at present.
Cllr Looker gave an update on the cost regarding the signs for the recreation ground, Cllr Winder proposed we order the signs to a maximum of £153, this was seconded by Cllr Tacon and all were in favour.
Car park rental – The Chairman had no further update, this item will be closed.
Mrs Hershall Spring Cottage update – Cllr Winder gave an update on the work that will be completed at the cottage to try and prevent further flooding. The Parish Council sent their position on the situation in a letter after the last meeting. This item is now closed.
Chestnut Close Village Funding – Discussion occurred regarding sending a letter to the developer to request some funding for Village projects now that 6 out of the 8 properties have been sold. The Chairman will send a letter with specific requests for Village projects.
Footpath 111 – The Chairman reported that the footpath will be diverted across the field and along the hedge line. Dorset Council’s legal team are dealing with the legal side. This item is now closed.
Mr Buttress’s invoices not being timely – The clerk explained that there is sometimes a delay receiving the invoices, she has contact Mr Buttress and he will endeavour to get them to the clerk in time for the payment schedule of each monthly meetings.
● Cllr Winder asked Cllr Looker how the signs for the Recreation Ground were
Coming along? Cllr Looker replied that for 20 the cost would be £45-00 plus
VAT. Following further discussion Cllr Winder proposed we order 20 A5 signs
At a cost of £102 to a max of £153 this was approved.

To consider planning received, up to the time this Agenda was posted.

A question was raised about an update on Butts Close the chairman and Cllr Carr-Jones confirmed that the position at the moment is that the entry and exit had been confirmed but nothing else.

The Chairman noted that he had received a visit from Mr Roche regarding the Hussey’s planning application.
The position of the application is at present that it is in the appeal process and is being dealt with by the Inspector which was confirmed by Cllr Graham Carr – Jones.

Cllr Carr-Jones – Dorset Councillor – Cllr Carr-Jones reported that his main focus at this present time is the temporary housing in Dorset, blocked drains

Chairman’s urgent business-report
The Chairman had nothing to report.

Accounts –
The Payment Schedule for October 2020 for the sum of £3246.65 had been circulated, this was agreed and signed by the Chairman.
The profit and loss had been circulated by the Clerk and Cllr Ruth explained that the accounts are running in line with budget figures.

Grant request by the Village Hall – Mr Dowsett joined the meeting to speak about the Village Hall and the renovations and the area outside the Pavilion. The information had also previously been circulated to Councillors by Cllr Mrs Ruth. Following further discussion by Councillors, it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ruth that the Parish council donate £3,000 to the Village Hall fund, this was seconded by Cllr Winder and all were in agreement.
To receive Councillors reports:
Cricket Club and Football club contract– Cllr Looker is completing the contracts and they are nearly ready for discussion
Shipping container fest – Cllr Looker is completing the contract for this in line with the other contracts.
Wilding project in St Gregory’s Churchyard – Cllr Hamer had previously circulated information regarding this project. All Councillors were in agreement of an area being left in the Church Yard cemetery for the wilding project and Cllr Hamer will liaise with Mrs Sturgess and Mr Buttress.
Councillor training – The Chairman asked about Councillors undertaking training. The clerk noted that this can be accessed virtually during these times via DAPTC website.
The Chairman also asked about all councillors having a copy of the Good Councillors Guide, the clerk will find the details for it to be accessed on line.

Review of Standing Orders – Wording has been added to the Garden Cemetery Regulations regarding the councillors being able to decide on any individual basis regarding plot reservations.
Privacy Policy and Communication policy – Cllr Holdship and Cllr Cullender to look at these for the next meeting.
Finance Regulations – Cllr Mr Ruth will have a look at these.
Health and Safety Policy – Cllr Hurlow will look at this.
Correspondence and items for the next meeting

The clerk read out a letter she had received from Mrs Collis regarding the payment to the Cricket Club for the Recreation Ground maintenance.
Councillors ask the clerk to write back to Mrs Collis and ask her the reasons she feels that this is not a good use of money and why she feels that it should be on the agenda.
The clerk will also contact Mr Whitehead regarding a wreath for Remembrance Day.

Date / Times of next meeting

The next Virtual Parish Council meeting will be held on the Monday 2nd of November 2020 at 7pm.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00 pm