Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd June 2019
at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Cllr Vaughan (Chairman)
Cllr Wiles
Cllr M Ruth
Cllr Mrs L Ruth
Cllr Cullender
Cllr R Tacon
Cllr Hamer
Cllr Kerr
Cllr Holdship

The clerk Sally Upshall.
There were 4 members of the public present.

1. Welcome & Domestic Notices

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notices.

Planning Meeting
Land At E 377595 N 118361, Goddards, Marnhull, Dorset,
Erect 1 No. dwelling and form 2 No. parking spaces.

Resolved: Objection
Proposed alterations to the application are not substantial enough regarding the flow of traffic regarding access onto New Street and the site lines.

Fir Tree Cottage, Burton Street, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1JJ
Erect single storey side extension

Resolved: No Objections.

Fieldside, Burton Street, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1PS
Extend the roof space to create additional living accommodation.

Resolved: Objection.
Due to inadequate plans, the Parish Council are unable to view these plans sufficiently and there are in accuracies, so thus have objected.

2. 2019/011 Declarations of Interest Regarding
a) Agenda Items None
b) Grant of dispensations regarding Disclosable Pecuniary Interests when setting the Annual Precept

3. 2019/012 Public Consultation
Mrs Scott-Nelson raised that the hedge had overgrown onto New Street from the
property. The clerk will write a letter to the residents to ask them to cut their hedge.

Mr Scott-Nelson raised his concern over not only the speed but the driving that occurs on Sackmore Lane.
The Chairman spoke and reported that the parish council had been in contact with the Highways department many times regarding this. He explained that it can take a long time for a 20mph zone to be put in. To achieve this, it has to go through many departments and would cost the Parish Council £10,000 just for one zone.
Due to there being no major accidents unfortunately this doesn’t carry too much priority.
At the present time highways are looking at other methods that they may be able to help.
Mr Scott-Nelson also noted that there are many properties that allow their hedges to overgrow onto the pavement and this makes it very difficult for pedestrians.
The clerk to contact the property near the school to ask them to tend to their hedge due to the children being unable to walk along the pavement due to the overgrown hedge.
An article will be put in the Marnhull Messenger regarding this issue.

Council Session

4. 2019/013 Apologies for Absence
Cllr Looker.
Cllr Carr-Jones.

5. 2019/014 Chairman’s Urgent Business None

6. 2019/015 Minutes

The minutes for the 30th April 2019 and those of the AGM on the 21st of May were
agreed and signed.

7. 2019/016 Matters arising from the previous minutes (not on agenda)
A. Gardening club- The Chairman noted that all members of the Gardening club have volunteered to dead head the Daffodils at the relevant time, this was in relation to the request for planting of Daffodils along the grass verges of the recreation ground and a concern that was raised regarding their care out of season.
B. Flood Warden had been missed off the Councillors portfolios, so this will be added on and Cllr Kerr will continue as the Flood Warden.

8. Financial Matters
Councillor Mike Ruth confirmed that he had carried out an overview of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/2019, which was signed at the meeting.
The Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31st March 2019 had been circulated to all councillors for their consideration and showed that an underspending of £2,163 had been achieved against budget. Also our reserves at year end 31/3/19 as represented by our current and deposit account balances, remain in a strong position.

2019/017 The Annual Governance Statement was approved.
2017/018 The accounting statements were approved and recorded as a minute reference.
The profit and loss had previously been circulated and was agreed by the council.

(a) Payment Schedule.
The Payment Schedule for June for £4015.14 was approved.
The Council insurance was discussed and was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ruth and seconded by Cllr Tacon that we agree the Inspire renewal quote. There was some discussion regarding whether we signed up to the 5-year agreement last year and the clerk will look into this before payment to Came and Company.
SLA agreement for the footpaths was deferred to the July meeting to allow Councillors the opportunity to see the information provided by the Footpaths Officer Mr Vaughan Ham.
Cricket club contract, to be reviewed at the next meeting.
DCC Funding application – There is an application form for funding for village projects. The Chairman asked Councillors if they agreed that he investigate applying for some funding for SID’s. The Councillors agreed for the Chairman to look into this.

9. 2019/019 Planning Matters
Cllr Mr Ruth raised the comment on the grade of the crop in the fields. At the present time there is nothing further we can do until further information is received regarding these applications.

10. 2019/020 Councillors’ Reports
Village Highways – The Chairman noted that this had been discussed early on in the evening. He explained that he is still waiting to hear back regarding Cllr Cullender’s request regarding traffic monitoring.

Parish Standing Orders – The Chairman noted that he tried to send some documents out using the drop box and some received them, and others didn’t. It was suggested by Cllr Cullender that we have some sort of private area on the website for documents that are only for the councillors. Cllr Holdship was unsure as to whether this would be possible. The clerk asked if we were able to just send them out as usual as an attachment to an email. The Chairman will do that for the Councillors who have been unable to get the drop box.

Hubs request for funding – Mrs Boyce gave an update on the Hub. She noted that the licence was now coming to an end. They will continue on a six-monthly basis. What they have been trying to achieve is for people to book the Hub and so pay a rental amount, and this is now taking off with lots of bookings. Mrs Boyce requested some money from the Parish Council for revenue expenses on top of the funding from Dorset County Council.
The Chairman noted that the Parish Council do not have a budget to be able support them further. At the present time we do not have the legal document regarding how the money can be dispersed, when we have that we will be able to allocate the money.
Their will be conditions on the money the Chairman explained, and these need to be adhered to.
The Chairman will chase up the documents for the funding from Dorset county.

Recreation Ground Grass –
Cllr Hamer reported that she has seen Chris Woods this week. She has also emailed and left a message for the man from the other quotation that Motcombe Parish council use and she is still waiting to hear back from him.
Chris Woods would like to have his contract renewed as it hasn’t been renewed since 2015. It was felt by Councillors that we should get some further quotes. If any councillors have any ideas of other contractors, they will let Cllr Hamer know.
The Chairman noted that the squirrels had damaged the Church Roof and they are gaining access via a tree. They would like the work completed on the tree to stop the squirrels gaining access. Cllr Kerr reiterated that any work must come through the Parish Council and it will be looked at and decided on by the Parish council.

Eight Walks book update – The Chairman showed the Councillors the leaflets and all were in agreement and the Chairman will go ahead and order 500.

Website update – Cllr Holdship noted that he had undertaken his website training. He can promote the minutes from draft status to approved status. The process of displaying the draft minutes was discussed and at present the minutes are displayed once they have been approved at the meeting. His next training session he will be learning further information on the website.

Cllr Kerr- SSE electricity will be coming on the 19th of June to complete the mapping in the Recreation Ground.

IK Services – The new SLA was agreed at the last meeting. The clerk has increased the standing order with the bank to include this. One of the bins in the Recreation Ground had been set to fire to. Cllr Kerr said he would speak to Ian.

Cllr Kerr? reported that some dog walkers had noted that at the Ridgeway the hedge was overgrown so they were unable to use the bench. This can be reported on the Dorset for you website.
Cllr Kerr noted that he had been in contact with DCC regarding the bin request in Walton Elm, and has some offers of a large sign with the wording of the new campaign, ‘Don’t be a Tosser’. The clerk will still source the cost of a new bin.
There needs to be some new fence posts in the play area and Cllr Kerr has costed the posts. The cost till come out around 17x£3.50 and then a working party will put the poles in. The inspection is due this month. All Councillors were in agreement for Cllr Kerr to purchase the posts.

Cllr Tacon spoke regarding the Face book page and his concerns over some of the items that go on the page.
Cllr Tacon noted that he feels that we should make it very clear to the Village that the Parish Council has nothing to do with the Marnhull facebook page. It was also asked that the Clerk should note to Chris Rye who is the administrator of the site that more care needs be taken as to what goes on the site.

Village Hall – Tenders are going out for the work. The ladies toilets are now staying as they are. The treasurer was concerned that they didn’t receive a grant from the Parish Council and Cllr Mrs Ruth explained to them that the Parish Council had changed their grant system. They will have the option to apply for one in the next financial year.
The Charity Commission have reported back that it is not possible to have a whole new constitution and there is a meeting of the committee to look at that and regularise the executive committee.

Financial information from Cllr Mr Ruth – Cllr Ruth asked if we had received the precept amount. He also gave an update on the present financial position.

Cllr Cullender – He reported that the speed watch did manage to get two speeders while they were out. One was a car and one was a motorbike. There is another one scheduled in a couple of weeks’ time. Cllr Cullender will put a note in the messenger and on the website
11. 2019/021 Clerk’s Report/s – None

12. Correspondence – None

13. 2019/022 Date and time of next meeting:
Monday 1st July 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting concluded at 9.12 pm