Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Cllr Vaughan (Chairman)

Cllr R Tacon

Cllr Hamer

Cllr Looker

Cllr Cullender

Cllr Wiles

Cllr Holdship

The clerk Sally Upshall.

There was 2 members of the public present.

Cllr Carr-Jones – DC Councillor.

1. Welcome & Domestic Notices

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notices.

2. 2019/021 Declarations of Interest Regarding

a) Agenda Items None

Chairman expenses.

b) Grant of dispensations regarding Disclosable Pecuniary Interests when setting the Annual Precept


3. 2019/022 Public Consultation

Mr Mann spoke regarding the planning developments in Marnhull. He asked if the Parish Council had any idea when the other applications will be heard at the Development Committee. The Chairman responded that we do not know the date when the other applications will be heard by the Development Committee. He explained that the only one that has come to Committee was the one that was prepared and ready for that stage. He went on to say that when they do come up for the Committee meeting the Parish Council will get notified and any person wishing to speak can register their interest to speak at the meeting. Cllr Holdship went onto to say that on the Dorset for you website all agendas for the Development control meetings are published on their website. Cllr Carr-Jones went onto explain that the Development Committee for the North was populated last week from councillors in the surrounding area. He also explained that you can register a tracker on the website for notification when an application comes up.

Council Session

4. Election of Chairman

Proposed by Cllr Wiles that Cllr Vaughan is nominated as Chairman and this was seconded by Cllr Looker. All were in favour.

Cllr Vaughan accepted this proposal.

He then signed the Declaration of Office.

5. 2019/023 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Mrs Ruth, Cllr M Ruth, Cllr Kerr,

6. Election of Vice Chairman

Proposed by Cllr Hamer that Cllr Tacon is nominated at Vice Chair, this was seconded by Cllr Looker and all were in favour.

Cllr Tacon accepted this proposal.

He then signed the Declaration of Office.

7. To agree Officers roles and responsibilities.

Home Watch- Chairman.

Recreation Ground/Playarea/Cemetery/Trees/Skatepark- Cllr Hamer/Cllr Kerr.

Health and Safety – Cllr Kerr.

Footpath Officer – Mr Vaughan Ham

Roads/highways – Cllr Cullender.

Allotments – Cllr Tacon.

Youth Activities/Schools – On hold.

Village Hall – Cllr Mrs Ruth.

Human Resources – Cllr Mrs Ruth, Chairman, Cllr Loocker.

Finance – Cllr M Ruth

Welfare – Chairman

Website – Cllr Holdship.

Neighbourhood Plan-

The Chairman updated the Council on further information on the Neighbourhood Plan. Report below:

I believe I have some people I feel confident could achieve it for us if you are in agreement I will ask them to discuss it and confirm they are happy to form an appropriate group and they will do some initial research to enable the group to feel confident they have the capability to attempt it.

This should give you confidence that it will be established on a solid basis with no fanfare but a careful and considerate approach.

Do you want me to approach them to go ahead an initial cost will be for a hard drive bought and owned by the Parish Council also the services of our Planning Consultant will be available to them?

Councillors were in agreement for the Chairman to contact the group and give the Parish Council’s support.

Cllr Cullender asked if a budget would be required to cover expenses for paper, ink etc.

Deferred to June meeting.

The community grant contact at Dorset Council is Hugh De Long and the Chairman will contact him.

Cllr Carr-Jones noted that part of the process of the plan is a 6-week public consultation.

Cllr Holdship and Cllr Tacon will discuss the storing of the data with Mr Pentland.

It was also agreed that the group should provide a terms of reference document for approval of the Parish Council.

8. 2019/024 PC Governance, to review 2019/2020 Standing Orders.

Freedom of Information, Grants Criteria with application form, Complaints procedure, General Privacy policy, Privacy Policy for the Website, Code of Conduct.

All standing orders will be held by the Clerk

All to be put forward for approval at the June meeting. This will be reviewed Annually at the May meeting.

9. Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

The forms were completed and signed by councillors and the clerk.

Declaration of Disclosable Interests.

These were completed and signed by councillors.

2019/025 Co-Option of new members.

The Chairman noted that the Parish council are still recruiting for a new councillor.

2019/026 Report from Dorset County Representative – DC- Cllr Carr-Jones – Cllr Carr-Jones spoke regarding an informal meeting with Roger Bell regarding a 20mph speed limit throughout Marnhull. He has agreed that he may be able to place advisory 20mph speed limit signs in some areas in the Village.

The Chairman noted that to change the speed limit in a zone in the Village it would cost around £10,000 per zone and include narrowing the roads as in Kings Stag

There is going to be a sign put at either end of Love Lane saying unsuitable for vehicular access.

Roger Bell is going to come back with some costing ideas and the chairman will forward the information to Councillors.

2019/027 Councillors Reports

Allotments – Cllr Tacon reported that there were only two outstanding payments.

Website – Cllr Holdship is to undertake his training next Wednesday so he will be able to undertake the administration.

Cllr Holdship asked for some confirmation of the dates for when the website should go live. This was discussed further, and it was felt that the website should be fully up and running before it goes live.

Cllr Holdship discussed how things would work with the clerk’s email and contact forms and he will report back after his training session.

Cllr Cullender – Reported that they did the first speed watch and logged 200 cars. There were no cars that were over the speed limit to warrant being recorded. The data will all be passed back to the Police.

Cllr Looker had received some comments about the bank had been reinstated along Burton Street.

2019/028 Chairman’s Report.

The Hub have contacted the chairman asking for £1000 for a water heater. They would like that to come out of their £5000 grant from DC. The Chairman will circulate the information from the Hub. This will be on the agenda for the June meeting.

The Chairman raised the agreeing and signing of 30th April minutes but as it was not an agenda item was deferred to the June meeting.

2019/029 Clerks Report.


Next Meeting

Council Meeting Monday 3rd June 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall.