Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 1st April 2019 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.


Cllr Vaughan (Chairman)

Cllr Wiles

Cllr M Ruth

Cllr Mrs L Ruth

Cllr R Tacon

Cllr Hamer

Cllr Kerr

Cllr Locker

Cllr Holdship

The clerk Sally Upshall.

There were 7 members of the public present.

Cllr Carr-Jones – DC Councillor.

1. Welcome & Domestic Notices

The Chairman opened the meeting by welcoming those present and announcing the Domestic Notices.

Planning Meeting

2/2019/0181/House Erect single storey rear extension and single storey extension to garage.

Location: 3 Flanders Close, Marnhull, Dorset, DT10 1LH

Resolved: No Objection.

2. 2019/001 Declarations of Interest Regarding

a) Agenda Items None

Chairman expenses, Cllr Looker expenses.

b) Grant of dispensations regarding Disclosable Pecuniary Interests when setting the Annual Precept


3. 2019/002 Public Consultation

Mrs Johnson came to the meeting to report that her wall had been driven into again.

The Chairman noted that he had been onto highways and they have come up with some

Ideas of installing concert bollards, or some metal railings.

Mrs Johnson noted that it needs to be something high up so people see it and the

Chairman said that he would contact highways and say that some metal post would

be the best idea and he will keep Mrs Johnson updated.

Mrs Eveleigh spoke re the Neighbourhood plan. She understood that it was a reason

That had been given as a grant of planning permission in Burton Street. The Chairman

explained the length of time and costs involved in completed this task. It can take 3 years to go through and cost £16,000.

The Chairman explained that the reason this one was heard first was because it was the

first to be ready to go to committee. Now it is only outline permission that has

been granted.

Mrs Eveleigh asked for some confirmation on the numbers that Marnhull should be set

for development in Marnhull.

The Chairman explained that there are 30 people on the list for Marnhull needing affordable housing. He also explained that the housing officer has said that he would

work with the Parish Council to make sure that the people with their name on the list

would get a house.

Cllr Carr-Jones spoke regarding the housing numbers that needs to be met and where this has been falling short over recent years.

Cllr Carr-Jones said that anytime anyone wanted to contact him to discuss he would always answer any questions.

Discussion followed on other sites that are happening in other areas.

Cllr Carr-Jones noted that Dorset County will have to develop their own plan and Marnhull will have the option to feed into that.

Mrs Eveleigh noted that Love Lane had been damaged again. Two signs are going to be erected at either end to note that it is not suitable for large vehicles.

Council Session

4. 2019/003 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Cullender

Cllr Westbrook

5. 2019/004 Chairman’s Urgent Business

6. 2019/005 Minutes

The minutes for the on the 4th March 2019 were agreed and signed.

7. 2019/006 Matters arising from the previous minutes (not on agenda)

A. Mirror in Pilwell The Chairman noted that the mirror is now installed, and it has made a good difference and it now makes visibility much better. The national cycle sign has also been re positioned into a better position.

G. Cllr Kerr gave an update to say that the meeting had been held and the speed watch gun has been given to Cllr Cullender, that we can use until we buy our own. Cllr Cullender and Cllr Kerr will draw up a rota and they have to given the police a month notice of when they are going to start. Cllr Kerr confirmed that there will be no prosecutions and after three letters the police will go and visit the offender. Update on the next agenda.

I. Further Defibrillator in the Burton Street phone box – It was confirmed by Councillors that we are not taking this forward at the present time. But if it could be situated in another area in the Village then it would be something we consider. Closed

J. St Greg’s Church re Oak tree – Cllr Kerr reported that any work on any trees has to go through the tree officers as it is a conversation area. Some people have gone to the Cemetery and the tree has already been cut at the bottom in an incorrect way. It is of extreme importance that due to it being a conservation area all the work has to go through the tree warden. When Mrs Butler is back from holiday the Chairman will contact her. Action Chairman

Update on St Gregory’s Church Wall The work has started on the wall at the Church. Unfortunately, he has been unable to get the correct capping stone and so it has not been completed but once he can get some he will come and replace it. Member of public raised the issue of if Lime Mortar was used due to a different colour being visible Chairman will contact Stonemason for confirmation

K. Marnhull Cricket Club- The clerk has emailed Rob Norton re the signs and she will update the council when she has a reply Action Clerk

L. Council Website – Cllr Holdship noted that progress has been made regarding this. The domain name has been registered. Cllr Carr-Jones noted that he said that he thought we should be using a .gov domain name. And that it would be advisable to speak to DAPTC. Action Clerk

It was decided that we would stick to the name we have registered already. And if it needs to be changed in the future we would relook.

Items we will need:

Council minutes dated back to 2016, photographs of Marnhull, Financial Documents, Budget, Pecuniary interest forms, Contact Form, Council policy documents.

On the question of Councillors details the Chairman raised the issue of the Elections and asked the Clerk to clarify the process. She said that we will not need to have an election as we do not have more people than we need

Discussion took place about what information was visible and it was decided that a general bit was made available for people to place a question in general terms.

The clerk will forward any information she has to Cllr Holdship. This will be on the next agenda. Action Clerk

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ruth that we accept all these items and this was seconded by Cllr Hamer, all in favour.

Cllr Holdship will be the Webmaster for the site.

M. The Chairman will write to the MP to say that he has tried to contact the young man regarding facilities in Marnhull but has no response. Action Chairman

8. Financial Matters

(a) Payment Schedule.

The Payment Schedule for April for £2799.65 was approved.

The Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance had sent a letter thanking us for our donation.

The clerk noted that there is no Council in charge of the allotments and monitoring the water usage as a large bill had been received, the Chairman pointed out the conditions in the rental agreement concerning the payment of the water charge if over the agreed limit. Cllr Tacon has volunteered to take this on and the chairman will forward the meter keys to him. The Clerk also confirmed that the Annual Invoices had been sent but no response as yet

9. 2019/007 Planning Matters

The Chairman noted that he attended the planning meeting and the development was recommended for approval by the planning officers. The Chairman will put in the Messenger a statement he has formulated. He will also add in the survey that had been developed. Cllr Hamer said she had not received a copy of the statement sent by email a hard copy was given to Cllr Hamer

The Chairman will contact the planning officer to make sure the survey is showing on all the applications not just the Burton Street one. Action Chairman

10. 2019/008 Councillors’ Reports

The Chairman suggested as Cllr Westbrook was retiring in May it would be appropriate to recognise her support over the past years. It was agreed that it would be recognised at our May meeting. Action Clerk

DC- Cllr Carr-Jones – He noted that there were no problems on the first day on the new council.

He noted that the money has now come through to the council’s account. The DCC will be sending us a document outlining the management of the money and we must adhere to that. The Chairman confirmed he was aware and thanked Cllr Carr for his help in securing the funding.

He noted that there had been some negative conversations on the social media. He stressed that it would be much more beneficial if people emailed him and there are there to work with people and help solve situations.

The Chairman noted that all the roads that had had its potholes fixed this year they are all going to be re skimmed to make the surfaces better.

The Chairman noted he had four round signs in his garage and he will pass them onto the men’s shed for fixing. Cllr Holdship noted that the men’s shed now has its work shop almost ready. Action Men’s Shed

Recreation Ground Grass Cutting – The Chairman has received a quote for the play area strimming, cemetery, and strimming around the recreation ground. This would be done every two weeks on an invoice-based system. Cllr Hamer will speak to Motcombe Parish council and gain some references, and report back to council. She also noted that Chris Woods who cuts the grass at present does more than just grass cutting so that needs to be taken into consideration. Action Cllr Hamer

Parish Assembly – This will be held on the 21st May 2019 Action Chairman the Clerk volunteered to assist.

There has been some confusion regarding the Cemetery and headstone and the Chairman has written to the Diocese and the Vicar explaining that the church yard at St Gregory’s is closed and all communications for the cemetery in Marnhull need to come to the clerk. The Chairman had sent letters to the authorities informing them of the need to contact Marnhull Parish Council Closed

The Chairman raised the issue of Eight Walks in Marnhull Ham the footpath officer has agreed to walk the paths and let the council know the information. He will also supply the council with all the information from the previous printing. Action Footpaths Officer / Chairman.

He also informed all that the footpaths must be registered by 2022 and the WI have agreed to walk them and will contact the Chairman. Action Chairman

Cllr Kerr reported that a number of flowers had appeared along a footpath did anyone know what they were?

Cllr Hamer noted that Mike Tweskbury has contacted her to say he apologised re the mower that has been sat on the recreation ground due to it be broken down.

Cllr Hamer will be getting some stickers for signs for the defibrillator. Action Cllr Hamer

Clerk to order the sand for the play area. Action Clerk

Cllr Kerr noted that the footpath sign was not in the ground so the clerk will contact the footpath maintenance team. Action Clerk

Play dale have started work in the play area. Update next meeting

Village Hall – Cllr Mrs Ruth noted that they are now going out for tender so the alterations. They have spilt it up into two sections so it is easier to cost it and see what they can afford to do. The toilet area will be the first tender so they can see their options. They will be holding some open sessions in the next couple of weeks to get Village feedback. They are looking at how the committees run and they are getting some advice from the Charity Commissioners. Update next meeting

11. 2019/009 Clerk’s Report/s – The Clerk noted that she had circulated an email regarding a marquee being erected for a fundraiser. The Clerk will ask her for a formal letter and a copy of their insurance for the event., and risk assessment with regard to putting the marque up. In principal the council are happy with this if these things are adhered to. Action Clerk

The Chairman introduced a prospective new councillor, Mr Penson.

Cllr Holdship gave his apologies for the next meeting.

12. Correspondence –


13. 2019/010 Date and time of next meeting:

Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7pm in the Village Hall.

The meeting concluded at 9.00 pm